
Пръвите статуи на Буда са създадени под влияние на елинистичната култура на Балканите, пренесена от Александър Македонски до Централна Азия и по-късно достигнала Япония. Културите на България и Япония са свързани от онова време. Днес Център "Икуо Хираяма" е създаден в София, България. Приемете го като ответен подарък от Япония към Балканите в признание и благодарност към вашата ценна култура.

Проф. Икуо Хираяма


Значимият принос на Проф. Хираяма към международното културно сътрудничество, всичко сторено от него като посланик на добра воля на ЮНЕСКО ни изпълва с надежда, че за опазването на мира може да се използва успешно помощта на изкуството и културата. Развитата и защитавана от него концепция "Духът на червения кръст за културното наследство" трябва да бъде не само приветствана, но и активно подкрепяна. Убеден съм, че за благородната кауза принос ще даде и замисълът за създаване на Център "Икуо Хираяма" в София.

Георги Първанов,
Президент на Република България


Защото величието и освободеността на човешкия дух се изявяват в съзидателността на художника и в акта да посети една малка страна по частна покана, когато е толкова световноизвестен и ценен, чувствайки своето посещение като специална мисия за опазване на човешкия дух и културното наследство, за опазване на световния мир. Това може да се почувства само със сърце, да се оцени само с душа и да се разбере само чрез мъдростта на ума. Хора като Проф. Икуо Хираяма трябва да бъдат ценени и пазени като уникално културно наследство и богатство на нашата планета, като израз и символ на мира, като молитва за оцеляването на нашата Земя.

Проф. Донка Ангелова,
Директор на Център "Икуо Хираяма"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

About Cultural Values

The human spirit can only realize its full potential when aware of its cultural heritage and made able to unlock the springs of creativity. Although a cultural heritage is built up by individuals and has come into being in a specific historical situation, it is also an inexhaustible treasure that belongs to every human being. That is why a priority task of the intellectual community in the present world is to preserve our cultural heritage, to increase awareness of it, and to bring more people in touch with it and inspire the creation of new works. Persons involved in these efforts are supporting the causes of non-violence, mutual understanding and peace. The deed of creativity in its full extent both preserves peace and enlarges human freedom.

To preserve and respect peace and freedom are special acts of the human mind, concerned with the discovery of differences. In our present world it is of great importance to be able to perceive distinctions, within a cultural horizon of traditional notions, values and knowledge, which determine our assessments and motivate human decisions. As differences are part of human history and heritage, they are part of us, of ourselves. To understand and respect them is a necessary step towards avoiding violence and confrontation, both of which lead to the destruction of the primary values and achievements of the human spirit.

Working for and preserving peace, and avoiding violence, are processes with a deep and long-lasting impact. It is possible through rediscovering one’s cultural heritage and using its vitality, its power to develop the human spirit and enrich individuality, to achieve balance and harmony in the present world. The need is for this heritage to be rediscovered, preserved, disseminated, and made as widely available as possible. It is a powerful device for arousing the creative forces and developing the creative potential. The rediscovery of a cultural heritage has four basic aspects:

- artefacts and monuments, music;

- religious doctrines;

- cultural texts - historical, philosophical;

- habits, traditions, ceremonies.

Awareness of these great achievements of humanity, the citadels of human spirit, is directly connected with the understanding that genuine human power shows in creativity, by which real progress is accomplished. The Universe of Creation is infinite: there is space in it for all religious teachings, for different traditions and understandings. Cultural achievements are foci and landmarks of creative energy and at the same time signs, certificates for the task and the dedication of human beings - to discover their own capacities and to express their inner potential.

Thus present societies need a net of centres to be built, making possible, on the one hand, the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and on the other, contacts and interactions among individuals and groups belonging to different cultures. On both levels, the higher intellectual one and that of everyday understanding, such activities contribute and help to form conditions for discovering and expressing people’s creative potential and thus for building a society based on mutual understanding, respect and enrichment. In this sense the history of our human spirit and our cultural heritage make a valuable contribution towards the building of such a society in a risky, unstable and uncertain world.

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