
Пръвите статуи на Буда са създадени под влияние на елинистичната култура на Балканите, пренесена от Александър Македонски до Централна Азия и по-късно достигнала Япония. Културите на България и Япония са свързани от онова време. Днес Център "Икуо Хираяма" е създаден в София, България. Приемете го като ответен подарък от Япония към Балканите в признание и благодарност към вашата ценна култура.

Проф. Икуо Хираяма


Значимият принос на Проф. Хираяма към международното културно сътрудничество, всичко сторено от него като посланик на добра воля на ЮНЕСКО ни изпълва с надежда, че за опазването на мира може да се използва успешно помощта на изкуството и културата. Развитата и защитавана от него концепция "Духът на червения кръст за културното наследство" трябва да бъде не само приветствана, но и активно подкрепяна. Убеден съм, че за благородната кауза принос ще даде и замисълът за създаване на Център "Икуо Хираяма" в София.

Георги Първанов,
Президент на Република България


Защото величието и освободеността на човешкия дух се изявяват в съзидателността на художника и в акта да посети една малка страна по частна покана, когато е толкова световноизвестен и ценен, чувствайки своето посещение като специална мисия за опазване на човешкия дух и културното наследство, за опазване на световния мир. Това може да се почувства само със сърце, да се оцени само с душа и да се разбере само чрез мъдростта на ума. Хора като Проф. Икуо Хираяма трябва да бъдат ценени и пазени като уникално културно наследство и богатство на нашата планета, като израз и символ на мира, като молитва за оцеляването на нашата Земя.

Проф. Донка Ангелова,
Директор на Център "Икуо Хираяма"

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Touring Silk Road Youth Biennale of Arts and Cultural Dialogue “Common Youth Cultural Heritage Caravan: Messengers of Culture and Peace”


The youth Biennale is a touring festival that takes place consecutively in different countries in Europe and Asia that are connected with the recreation of the ancient Silk Road. Initially being a trade road of transportation and exchange of goods between different regions of Asia, already in antiquity the Silk Road has become a way of spreading ideas, writings, texts and knowledge. The mission of the contemporary recreation of this road is accomplished by means of art, exchange of scientific and philosophical ideas and educational practices, as well as by different forms of intercultural dialogue. In this way young people from different countries (high school, university and PhD students, young scientists) gain their own experience in getting to know foreign cultures and our common cultural heritage. The restoration of the Silk Road – these ancient and modern roads of knowledge, creativity and dialogue, is a guarantee of a more peaceful and wiser future world which the present-day young generation has an opportunity to build up.

The youth Biennale is an original touring school of arts and cultural dialogue. It is an event that is a part of the transcontinental project „The Live Youth Book of the Silk Road: our live recreation of the Roads of knowledge, creativity and dialogue“. This project has been developed by Centre Ikuo Hirayama – Sofia and partner NGOs from Bulgaria and Japan, and it has received the patronage of the Director General of UNESCO Ms Irina Bokova.

The main goal of the Biennale is to serve as a brigde in deepening the contacts between The Bulgarian schools of art and cultural dialogue Ikuo Hirayama (BSACDIH) and their partner schools abroad (in Japan, Kazakhstan and other countries), and in facilitating the process of an establishing of The International schools of art and cultural dialogue Ikuo Hirayama (ISACDIH). In a next stage the Biennale will turn into a bridge between the national schools Ikuo Hirayama from the different countries of the Silk Road.


Main information about the Biennale:

§         Date and time of the opening of the Biennale: June 6th 2015, 11 a.m.

§         Place of the opening of the Biennale: Earth and Man National Museum, Sofia, Bulgaria

The organiser of the Biennale is Centre Ikuo Hirayama Sofia.


Coorganisers of the event are:

ü      Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Bulgaria;
ü      Centre for Humanities and Social Studies, Bulgaria;
ü      Young Researchers High Technology and Innovative Centre, Bulgaria;
ü      Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum, Hokuto, Prefecture Yamanashi, Japan;
ü      Hirayama Ikuo Museum of Art, Setoda, Onomichi, Prefecture Hiroshima, Japan;
ü     Bulgarian Outclass Activity Schools for Art and Cultural Dialogue "Ikuo Hirayama" at the Bulgarian Schools: 138 "Vasil Zlatarski"- Sofia, "Geo Milev"-Varna, "Emilian Stanev"- Veliko Tarnovo;


A partner of the event is the Earth and Man National Museum, Sofia, Bulgaria.


The Biennale takes place under the aegis of:

ü      The Director General of UNESCO Ms Irina Bokova 
ü      The Minister of Education and Science of Republic of Bulgaria prof. Todor Tanev
ü      The Mayor of Sofia Municipality Ms Jordanka Fandakova
ü      HM the Ambassador of Japan in Bulgaria Mr Takashi Koizumi


The Biennale is dedicated to:
ü      The 70th anniversary of the founding of UNESCO;
ü      The 70th year after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima;
ü      The 85th anniversary of prof. Ikuo Hirayama‘s birthday, the painter of the Silk Road, who experienced the atomic tragedy in Hiroshima as a student, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for more than 20 years, who dedicated his life work to the mission of preservation of the world cultural heritage of the Silk Road and peace on Earth;

The Biennale consists of three main events – its branches.

The first branch of the Biennale, this is the touring exhibition „Messengers of creativity, culture and peace“. For the aims of its exposition‘s formation, in The Bulgarian schools of art and cultural dialogue Ikuo Hirayama (BSACDIH) a competition over the topic „The creative strength of knowledge and spirit: temples, palaces, fortresses and monuments“ is held. For their participation in the competition the students from BSACDIH present a drawing, an essay, a presentation or a model. The best works are selected by a hanging-committee in three age groups ­– primary, junior high school and high school. The drawings, models, texts and presentations selected by the committee compose the first part of the primary exposition of the exhibition. The most significant works of the exhibition‘s exposition are awarded a prize. A similar competition and assessment of works takes place in the partner Japanese schools as well. The selected Bulgarian and Japanese drawings give a form to the complete look of the primary exposition of the exhibition. The opening and the first presentment of the exhibition will take place respectively in Sofia – as a symbol of wisdom (in June) and in Hiroshima, Japan – as a symbol of peace (in August). The touring exhibition passes through different countries of the Silk Road while new drawings and works are added and in this way its exposition is enriched.

The second branch of the Biennale, these are the flags-custodians of culture and peace. These are big cardboard or cloth drawing surfaces divided into four parts and that are painted by the awarded students in the corresponding national competitions. At the end of the Biennale in every country there have to stay two canvases of each topic, whereas the topics are the following:
ü      world cultural sights;
ü      natural resources and landmarks;
ü      writings, stories and ideas – these are the stories found in the written texts of people and cultures – holy texts, epos, literature, poetry, history; those stories which reveal human spirit‘s aspiration for perfection and which don‘t part but gather people‘s roads together;
ü      images, figures and individuals;

The third branch of the Biennale, this is the drawing activity at the venue – Open workshops for cultural heritage „The blue breeze of the Silk Road by land and sea“. The workshops take place on certain days during the presenting of the exhibition. There the students get to know more about the manners of reproduction of cultural sights, natural objects, pieces of art and human images, namely:

ü      drawing techniques;
ü      poetic and essay language and speech;
ü      forming of models;
ü      presentation techniques;

With assistance of the teachers of The schools of art and cultural dialogue Ikuo Hirayama (SACDIH) the students participating in the workshop activities get close to cultural and natural sights and pieces of art, and they realize their own steps in the cultural heritage‘s world.

Resting on these three branches, the touring festival with an exhibition – the Biennale, becomes a Touring school for art and cultural dialogue.

The exhibition and the Biennale‘s events take place for a period of two weeks in every country, having a break in between of a month and a half for sending the drawings to the next country and city hosting the activity. Every reference structure responsible for the arrangement of the activity in the corresponding country is in charge of forwarding the exhibition and its materials to the next country. The number of pictures included in the exhibition‘s exposition increases in every following country, as part of it presents the works and drawings exhibited in the previous countries and another part presents the works and drawings of students from the host country.

The Biennale and its exhibition are open in Sofia in June 2015, as the next place of their presentment is the city of Hiroshima, Japan, the most eastern region of the Silk Road (August 2015). From there on the Biennale heads to the west through the countries of the Silk Road and in April 2016 it returns to Sofia, Bulgaria. The final point of the Biennale and its exhibition is in June 2016 in Paris, France, at UNESCO‘s head office.

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